Walker's Cafe Meeting IN ONE HOUR with ZOOM OPTION!
Dear Friends of Walker's Cafe,
The Neighborhood Council meeting at which Prospect Group, the investment group that bought Walker's Cafe in March 2022, will be presenting their plans is starting in ONE HOUR at the Wigwam Lodge on 543 Shepard Street. If you can't make it in person, call in on Zoom!
Their plans now include a large residential development with ADU in the back of the lot. But what is the future for the cafe? Please join, make public comment and let's all remind them how much we want to see Walker's Cafe come back!
Here are the Zoom meeting details:
Meeting ID: 848 7692 3284
Passcode: 523879
One tap mobile
+16694449171,,84876923284#,,,,*523879# US
+16699006833,,84876923284#,,,,*523879# US (San Jose)
The meeting agenda can be found here.
See you soon!